Number Type Launch Site Start Time [UTC] Frequency Nearest City New Status Finder Changes made by Description
MEB200616 (403-2-00616) M20 Wien (AT) 2024-12-27 23:30:41 403.50 MHz Oberpullendorf (AT) FOUND OE4GKB OE1FFS
2025-01-06 12:37:25z
W1250160 RS41 Munich (DE) 2025-01-05 22:45:57 402.30 MHz Ladendorf (AT) FOUND OE3CIN OE3CIN
2025-01-06 12:33:54z
Feld landung
V3330736 RS41 Idar-Oberstein (DE) 2025-01-05 10:45:56 402.70 MHz Weiden in der Oberpfalz (DE) FOUND DE5RBV DE5RBV
2025-01-06 12:28:36z
Kaltsuche, kompakte Ackerlandung
V4450410 RS41 Paraparaumu (NZ) 2025-01-06 09:40:41 400.50 MHz Tangimoana (NZ) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 12:20:12z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W2150258 RS41 Linz (AT) 2025-01-04 03:15:05 403.40 MHz Kőszeg (HU) FOUND OE4GKB OE4GKB
2025-01-06 12:03:12z
Sonde lag am Waldboden, Schnur über Baum, Fallschirm hing mit Füllstutzen in ca. 2m Höhe! Alles geborgen!
W1857221 RS41 Essen (DE) 2025-01-02 10:45:35 405.30 MHz Senftenberg (DE) FOUND BODO-1 [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 11:15:57z
Wiesenlandung - komplett geborgen [via SondeHub]
V3330729 RS41 Idar-Oberstein (DE) 2025-01-05 22:46:02 402.70 MHz Bayreuth (DE) FOUND DO3NN DO3NN
2025-01-06 11:06:30z
Komplettes Gespann von Acker geborgen
U4244748 RS41-SG Cuneo-Levaldigi (IT) 2025-01-05 23:17:24 403.70 MHz Asola (IT) FOUND Gennaro
2025-01-06 11:00:32z
In un campo
W1231142 RS41 Greifswald (DE) 2025-01-05 22:47:13 402.30 MHz Polanów (PL) LOST tmskpl
2025-01-06 10:52:37z
Nie nadaje, 2h szukaliśmy po lasach i polach ale bez skutku.
U2060112 RS41 Graz (AT) 2025-01-06 03:15:43 404.70 MHz Ajka (HU) FOUND HA4UC
2025-01-06 10:08:42z
Field side. Ballon and parachute on a tree.
V5134918 RS41 Karup (DK) 2025-01-06 07:37:15 405.30 MHz Falkenberg (SE) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 09:40:13z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W0514057 RS41-SGP Lindenberg (DE) 2025-01-06 04:48:22 405.10 MHz Ślesin (PL) FOUND SP3RNZ SP3RNZ
2025-01-06 09:28:47z
Alive. Plowed corn field, parachute easy to spot on the top. .
W1720602 RS41 Budapest (HU) 2025-01-02 23:22:16 403.70 MHz Nyíradony (HU) FOUND GYPAPP GYPAPP
2025-01-06 09:11:09z
Magas fenyőfán a lufi maradványa, a szonda 1 méterre a födtől.
W3421368 RS41 Madrid (ES) 2025-01-05 23:16:30 403.50 MHz Andorra (ES) FOUND EC2UT [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 08:42:22z
EC2UT Recuperada en perfecto estado [via SondeHub]
W1220052 RS41 Jokioinen (FI) 2025-01-06 05:32:11 403.00 MHz Kotka (FI) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 08:30:13z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W0530535 RS41 Lindenberg (DE) 2025-01-04 16:46:31 405.10 MHz Radomsko (PL) FOUND Omega Omega
2025-01-06 08:23:20z
Balon razem z spadochronem w środku został na drzewie. Linka rozwinięta na koronach drzew, ale sonda na ziemi.
MEB303799 (404-2-03799) M20 Wrocław (PL) 2025-01-05 23:16:08 403.00 MHz Koniecpol (PL) FOUND Omega Omega
2025-01-06 08:11:16z
Sonda spadła na pole. Nie nadawała i było ciężko znaleźć w śniegu.
W2740365 RS41 Albemarle (GB) 2025-01-06 05:18:09 405.10 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 07:50:13z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V4710670 RS41 Nicosia (CY) 2025-01-06 05:04:41 403.00 MHz Larnaca (CY) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 07:40:12z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V4251243Z RS41 Praha (CZ) 2024-12-25 05:32:57 404.20 MHz Týn nad Vltavou (CZ) FOUND AmutNet amutnet
2025-01-06 07:39:20z
W2150265 RS41 Linz (AT) 2025-01-06 03:15:07 403.40 MHz Paudorf (AT) NEED ATTENTION oe3jtb
2025-01-06 06:53:11z
hängt in 5-6m Höhe Type=RS41-SG batt=2.7V OG=1m FN=14624 rssi=63.5dB rx=403400(+1/5) sondemod 1.37c (43.5km)
W1741657 RS41 Legionowo (PL) 2025-01-02 11:25:03 404.50 MHz Bielsk Podlaski (PL) LOST sp4olh.
2025-01-06 06:41:05z
bateryjki jej zdechły i poleciała do diabła
W1250112 RS41 Munich (DE) 2025-01-03 10:45:38 402.30 MHz Kottingbrunn (AT) FOUND OE3FEC oe3fec
2025-01-06 06:14:27z
Feldfund vollständig
V2850875 RS41 Udine (IT) 2025-01-05 22:50:13 404.00 MHz Vransko (SI) FOUND S56wdn S56Wdn
2025-01-06 05:33:25z
found on the lawn, the balloon did not burst
V4631065 RS41 Zagreb (HR) 2025-01-05 23:20:48 405.30 MHz Siklós (HU) FOUND HA8LHT HA8LHT
2025-01-06 05:04:44z
Technikás, versenybe illő terep éjszaka, sziklás, nyiladékos, sáros hegyoldal. Közlekedni terepjáróval a vízfolyásokon. Szonda a sűrűn benőtt, cserjés erdőben.
MEB602888 (407-2-02888) M20 Barcelona (ES) 2025-01-05 23:01:26 404.00 MHz Marseille (FR) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 03:50:29z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
ME352232C (305-2-10812) M10 Murcia (ES) 2025-01-05 23:49:01 403.40 MHz Ibiza (ES) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 03:30:45z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W3530183 RS41 Son Bonet (ES) 2025-01-05 23:15:39 401.00 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 03:10:46z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V3720416 RS41 Barreira do Inferno Launch Center (BR) 2025-01-05 23:52:32 403.00 MHz Natal (BR) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:51:01z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W3550532 RS41 La Coruna (ES) 2025-01-05 23:18:39 404.00 MHz Navia (ES) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:43:00z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W1130500 RS41 Jokioinen (FI) 2025-01-05 23:32:10 403.00 MHz Primorsk (RU) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:42:09z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V3240961 RS41-SG Cahersiveen (IE) 2025-01-05 23:35:55 405.30 MHz Tramore (IE) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:41:52z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
MEB003076 (401-2-03076) M20 Thessaloniki (GR) 2025-01-05 23:25:00 404.20 MHz Mýrina (GR) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:41:35z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24050699 ([AC]24050699) DFM Charleston [SC] (US) 2025-01-05 23:16:30 403.61 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:41:01z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24057760 (24057760) DFM Tampa [FL] (US) 2025-01-05 23:06:54 403.01 MHz Satellite Beach [FL] (US) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:31:04z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
IMS2F628E (3105422) IMS100 Singapore (SG) 2025-01-05 23:34:27 401.96 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:24:46z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W2334221 RS41 De Bilt (NL) 2025-01-04 23:33:03 403.90 MHz Lippstadt (DE) FOUND 27UY8P 27uy8p
2025-01-06 02:24:36z
Ackerlandung, alles geborgen.
W2810881 RS41-SG Watnall (GB) 2025-01-05 23:18:26 405.50 MHz Sheringham (GB) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:23:37z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24053685 (24053685) DFM17 Gray [ME] (US) 2025-01-05 23:16:45 403.41 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:21:38z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W3530920 RS41 Keflavik (IS) 2025-01-05 23:17:45 404.00 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:14:30z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W2810471 RS41 Albemarle (GB) 2025-01-05 23:18:40 405.10 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:13:57z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V5010781 RS41 Sundsvall (SE) 2025-01-05 23:42:43 404.00 MHz Kaskinen (FI) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:12:31z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24050834 (24050834) DFM17 Upton [NY] (US) 2025-01-05 23:06:53 405.41 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:10:47z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
MEB301902 (404-2-01902) M20 Ajaccio (FR) 2025-01-05 23:35:55 403.00 MHz Montalto di Castro (IT) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:04:03z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
ME352231A (305-2-10794) M10 Murcia (ES) 2025-01-05 23:16:47 403.40 MHz Ibiza (ES) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:03:46z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
MEAD02567 (310-2-02567) M20 Guipavas (FR) 2025-01-05 23:17:46 404.00 MHz Paimpol (FR) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:01:25z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24048784 (24048784) DFM17 Jacksonville [FL] (US) 2025-01-05 23:06:19 403.21 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 02:00:33z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W2324683 RS41 Brisbane (AU) 2025-01-06 00:50:24 401.50 MHz Bongaree (AU) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 01:53:21z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W2010666 RS41 Decimomannu (IT) 2025-01-05 23:05:07 403.50 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 01:53:04z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W4374051 RS41 San Pietro Capofiume (IT) 2025-01-05 23:02:05 404.60 MHz Fažana (HR) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 01:52:08z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W4364162 RS41 Visby (SE) 2025-01-05 23:47:30 405.30 MHz Ventspils (LV) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 01:51:51z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W3220545 RS41 Miami [FL] (US) 2025-01-05 23:13:38 403.40 MHz Lighthouse Point [FL] (US) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 01:51:16z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24054290 (24054290) DFM17 2025-01-06 00:06:48 400.81 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 01:50:30z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W2244445 RS41 Ekofisk (NO) 2025-01-05 23:56:50 403.00 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 01:40:23z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W1240557 RS41 Norderney (DE) 2025-01-05 22:45:26 404.10 MHz Maribo (DK) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 01:31:18z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V4740150 RS41 Schleswig (DE) 2025-01-05 22:47:42 402.50 MHz Trelleborg (SE) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 01:10:52z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W0434946 RS41 Legionowo (PL) 2025-01-05 23:20:22 404.50 MHz Biała Podlaska (PL) FOUND SP8ATA SP8ATA
2025-01-06 01:07:19z
Przy posesji
W3730491 RS41 Taipei (TW) 2025-01-05 23:11:30 400.30 MHz Keelung (TW) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 00:50:26z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V3211692 RS41 Whenuapai (NZ) 2025-01-05 21:44:42 403.00 MHz Leigh (NZ) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 00:30:34z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V4450419 RS41 Paraparaumu (NZ) 2025-01-05 21:41:26 400.50 MHz Himatangi Beach (NZ) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-06 00:00:14z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W3750495 RS41 Oakland [CA] (US) 2025-01-04 23:17:54 404.00 MHz Gilroy [CA] (US) LOST K6ATV
2025-01-05 23:11:13z
Tall trees with full canopies at landing zone. Could not locate the radiosonde. Near very tall redwoods too.
W2410457 RS41-SG White Lake [MI] (US) 2024-11-07 11:10:04 404.00 MHz New Baltimore [MI] (US) FOUND WindTurbine73 [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 22:56:42z
This sonde had been on the ground since November 7th, 2024. Mice or something had eaten about 25% of the styrofoam shell. First time I have seen [via SondeHub]
D24055305 (24055305) DFM09 Santa Teresa [NM] (US) 2025-01-05 11:12:32 401.41 MHz Horizon City [TX] (US) FOUND KB9UZA [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 22:24:51z
Very short string [via SondeHub]
W1857243 RS41 Essen (DE) 2025-01-05 11:11:34 404.10 MHz Freiberg (DE) FOUND TamiFussel18 TamiFussel18
2025-01-05 21:46:26z
Gestreckte Feldlandung auf matschigem Acker. Schnur um Fallschirm gewickelt, zusammen mit wenigen Ballonresten geborgen.
W0514116 RS41 Sydney (AU) 2025-01-05 19:20:07 401.50 MHz Sydney (AU) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 21:20:12z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V4650232 RS41 Cameri (IT) 2024-12-07 11:01:08 404.90 MHz Caprino Veronese (IT) FOUND DR DR
2025-01-05 21:05:05z
Appesa ad un albero nel bosco
V3330916 RS41 Idar-Oberstein (DE) 2025-01-05 16:47:35 402.70 MHz Bamberg (DE) FOUND funkfreund funkfreund
2025-01-05 20:19:53z
auf schneebedekten Feld
MEAD02543 (310-2-02543) M20 Guipavas (FR) 2025-01-02 11:17:19 404.00 MHz Châteaudun (FR) LOST F1JSU
2025-01-05 19:58:29z
Dans un arbre en zone marécageuse au bord du Loir
W0514025 RS41 Lindenberg (DE) 2025-01-05 16:46:33 405.10 MHz Poniec (PL) FOUND SQ3XBD SQ3XBD
2025-01-05 19:57:55z
W1240554 RS41 Norderney (DE) 2025-01-03 10:45:24 404.10 MHz Luckenwalde (DE) LOST Rieben04
2025-01-05 19:26:16z
trotz umfangreicher Suche kein Erfolg - Verlust im Wasser
V2851048 RS41 Udine (IT) 2025-01-03 22:50:08 404.00 MHz Kutina (HR) FOUND 9A4AM 9a4am
2025-01-05 19:22:45z
Easy. On the ground, but difficult for access..
V2850424 RS41 Udine (IT) 2025-01-04 11:00:22 404.00 MHz Lipovljani (HR) NEED ATTENTION 9a4am
2025-01-05 19:20:58z
Fenced and inaccessible area.
D24058312 (24058312) DFM17 Valley [NE] (US) 2025-01-05 11:21:58 403.21 MHz Council Bluffs [IA] (US) FOUND N0GR [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 19:16:44z
100 yards from Magnolia Rd in a harvested cornfield. Very cold north wind. [via SondeHub]
W3750494 RS41 Oakland [CA] (US) 2025-01-05 11:07:31 404.00 MHz San Jose [CA] (US) FOUND SV1 [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 18:51:57z
[via SondeHub]
V4720521 RS41 Camborne (GB) 2025-01-05 11:16:22 405.70 MHz Witley (GB) LOST M0KRH
2025-01-05 17:41:56z
Scouted area for 5 hours, heard telemetry when driving to site, difficult terrain and unable to locate balloon. No frames received when on foot.
MEB303789 (404-2-03789) M20 Wrocław (PL) 2025-01-05 11:20:07 403.00 MHz Tarnobrzeg (PL) FOUND SQ8MHL SQ8MHL
2025-01-05 17:39:00z
Już nie nadawała. Flaczki zwisały z sosny 12m nad ziemią. Radiosonda na czubku innej sosny. Pozbierane.
W3430355 RS41 Santander (ES) 2025-01-05 11:56:55 401.50 MHz Belin-Béliet (FR) LOST F4LJA [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 16:49:43z
Parachute trouve dans un arbre mais trop haut. Sonde sûrement dans un grand chêne à proximité mais trop haute. [via SondeHub]
V4630166 RS41 Zagreb (HR) 2025-01-05 11:22:37 405.30 MHz Ðakovo (HR) FOUND 9A4GE 9A4GE
2025-01-05 15:54:01z
U polju kod bare
V1630352 RS41 Jokioinen (FI) 2024-08-22 11:32:22 403.00 MHz Vesilahti (FI) FOUND OH3DKK [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 15:31:39z
Scouted this one back in December, hanging 6 meters above the ground. Came back today with a stick long enough. Easy find with the right tools [via SondeHub]
V0941044 RS41-SG Comodoro Rivadavia (AR) 2025-01-05 11:31:50 404.30 MHz Comodoro Rivadavia (AR) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 15:30:13z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W1240768 RS41 Schleswig (DE) 2025-01-05 10:47:02 402.50 MHz Białogard (PL) FOUND jozkam,
2025-01-05 15:19:44z
Wysoko na drzewie. Zdjęta w całości
ME3522391 (305-2-10913) M10 Murcia (ES) 2025-01-05 11:52:07 403.39 MHz Ibiza (ES) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 15:11:24z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
MEAD02574 (310-2-02574) M20 Guipavas (FR) 2025-01-05 11:19:09 404.00 MHz Honfleur (FR) LOST F4FPR [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:54:31z
Non récupérée sonde perdu dans un ronciers sur un terrain privé. [via SondeHub]
D24050962 (24050962) DFM17 Upton [NY] (US) 2025-01-05 11:27:00 405.41 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:50:47z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V1911094 RS41 Prostějov (CZ) 2025-01-05 11:17:29 402.10 MHz Veľká Lomnica (SK) FOUND SKYMAX
2025-01-05 14:48:24z
W3550523 RS41 La Coruna (ES) 2025-01-05 11:38:47 405.00 MHz Piedras Blancas (ES) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:43:03z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W1150721 RS41 Jokioinen (FI) 2025-01-05 11:31:50 403.00 MHz Kotka (FI) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:42:28z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W0514017 RS41-SGP Lindenberg (DE) 2025-01-05 10:45:48 405.10 MHz Pabianice (PL) FOUND SQ7SAY
2025-01-05 14:41:21z
Spadochron zaplątany. Całość zebrana.
D24058205 (24058205) DFM Tampa [FL] (US) 2025-01-05 11:16:48 403.01 MHz Sebastian [FL] (US) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:41:17z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
U3410053 RS41-SGP Bergen (DE) 2025-01-05 11:09:36 405.70 MHz Lubniewice (PL) FOUND SQ3SIA i Stasiek SQ3SIA
2025-01-05 14:38:10z
Znaleziona na polu, wszytko posprzątane
ME3522313 (305-2-10787) M10 Murcia (ES) 2025-01-05 11:19:24 403.40 MHz Calpe (ES) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:31:55z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24050780 ([AC]24050780) DFM Charleston [SC] (US) 2025-01-05 11:15:19 403.61 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:31:20z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W2810082 RS41 Albemarle (GB) 2025-01-05 11:17:41 405.10 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:25:50z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W1240807 RS41 Schleswig (DE) 2025-01-04 23:52:30 402.50 MHz Dobiegniew (PL) FOUND SQ3VAS SQ3VAS
2025-01-05 14:21:35z
parachute and blue balloon
W2010663 RS41 Decimomannu (IT) 2025-01-05 10:56:11 403.50 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:14:41z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
R2820053 RS41 Greifswald (DE) 2019-07-25 22:47:35 402.30 MHz Güstrow (DE) FOUND DO1BDB DO1BDB
2025-01-05 14:13:48z
gestreckte Wiesenlandung
W3410787 RS41 La Coruna (ES) 2025-01-05 11:15:57 404.00 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:13:09z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V3050328 RS41 Stavanger (NO) 2025-01-05 11:07:26 401.00 MHz Langesund (NO) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:11:58z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24053553 (24053553) DFM17 Gray [ME] (US) 2025-01-05 11:15:30 403.41 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:10:30z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W1340595 RS41 Adelaide (AU) 2025-01-05 11:16:55 401.50 MHz Murray Bridge (AU) FOUND Kya88 [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:06:28z
Slight bit of trespass required. Matt made us do it! [via SondeHub]
V2851559 RS41 Trapani (IT) 2025-01-04 23:01:06 404.50 MHz Grammichele (IT) FOUND IT9CGN it9cgn
2025-01-05 14:06:08z
Found on a hilly site in sight, without radio signal, probe off
W4435169 RS41 San Pietro Capofiume (IT) 2025-01-05 11:01:06 404.60 MHz Medulin (HR) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:03:45z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W4374089 RS41-SG Bucharest (RO) 2025-01-05 11:01:54 403.92 MHz Mangalia (RO) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:03:27z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W4354243 RS41-SG Visby (SE) 2025-01-05 11:51:07 405.30 MHz Pāvilosta (LV) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:03:09z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W3431032 RS41 Keflavik (IS) 2025-01-05 11:03:12 404.00 MHz Vestmannaeyjar (IS) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:02:49z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V2840457 RS41 Galatina (IT) 2025-01-04 23:01:11 403.50 MHz Igoumenítsa (GR) FOUND pathfinder [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 14:02:42z
Next to nearby sheepfold on a hill Chased by sheepdogs [via SondeHub]
V5010124 RS41 Sundsvall (SE) 2025-01-05 11:41:56 405.30 MHz Härnösand (SE) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 13:51:44z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24048918 (24048918) DFM17 Jacksonville [FL] (US) 2025-01-05 11:08:49 403.21 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 13:50:13z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
MEB301910 (404-2-01910) M20 Ajaccio (FR) 2025-01-05 11:33:25 403.00 MHz Orbetello (IT) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 13:41:26z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W3011299 RS41 Miami [FL] (US) 2025-01-05 11:09:18 403.40 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 13:40:49z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W2244411 RS41 Ekofisk (NO) 2025-01-05 11:43:55 403.00 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 13:40:31z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
MEA704736 (304-2-04736) M20 Bordeaux (FR) 2025-01-05 11:15:44 402.80 MHz Tulle (FR) FOUND F6JON [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 13:22:43z
[via SondeHub]
MEB602879 (407-2-02879) M20 Barcelona (ES) 2025-01-05 11:01:27 404.00 MHz Palafrugell (ES) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 13:20:45z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
MEB302613 (404-2-02613) M20 Tarnów (PL) 2025-01-05 11:16:59 405.80 MHz Boguchwała (PL) FOUND SQ8MAE [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 13:03:13z
Balon wisiał koło drzewa sonda wkoronie drzew po krotkim szarpaniu I odcienciu linki sonda spadła na ziemie [via SondeHub]
W3530069 RS41 Son Bonet (ES) 2025-01-05 11:15:45 401.00 MHz Alcudia (ES) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 13:00:26z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V4450414 RS41 Paraparaumu (NZ) 2025-01-05 09:40:59 400.50 MHz Ratana (NZ) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 12:10:37z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V3310405 RS41 Whenuapai (NZ) 2025-01-05 09:37:44 403.00 MHz Leigh (NZ) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 12:10:17z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V1921109 RS41 Lisbon (PT) 2025-01-04 23:17:17 403.02 MHz Chamusca (PT) FOUND CT2IRJ [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 11:56:19z
Easy to find, hard to reach. [via SondeHub]
W1927011 RS41 Essen (DE) 2025-01-04 22:45:59 405.30 MHz Soltvadkert (HU) FOUND Gyuti Gyuti
2025-01-05 11:52:00z
Fa tetején,ballon messze a szondától
V3310061 RS41 Kuemmersbruck (DE) 2025-01-03 11:31:10 402.70 MHz Modřice (CZ) FOUND Citrix citrix
2025-01-05 11:34:00z
MEB200370 (403-2-00370) M20 Wien (AT) 2025-01-04 11:30:38 403.50 MHz Téglás (HU) FOUND HG0GU HG0GU
2025-01-05 11:01:16z
Havas szántóföldek.
V3330730 RS41 Idar-Oberstein (DE) 2025-01-04 16:47:02 402.70 MHz Schwäbisch Gmünd (DE) FOUND DB9SK DB9SK
2025-01-05 10:37:58z
Alles von Wiese geborgen.
W3440076 RS41-SGP Huelva (ES) 2025-01-04 23:16:17 402.50 MHz Fuente Palmera (ES) FOUND EA7EQC [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 10:00:50z
[via SondeHub]
W2420449 RS41 Linz (AT) 2025-01-05 03:15:06 403.40 MHz Csepreg (HU) FOUND HA1012SWL HA1012SWL
2025-01-05 09:53:41z
Fán volt.
W2420420 RS41 Innsbruck (AT) 2025-01-05 01:15:11 405.50 MHz Laško (SI) FOUND borogal borogal
2025-01-05 09:08:40z
V gozdu na tleh.Padalo na drevesu
W4414168 RS41 Castor Bay (GB) 2025-01-04 23:58:48 403.90 MHz Cockermouth (GB) FOUND G4VFL G4VFL
2025-01-05 09:03:15z
In field of snow tussocks. Looking for White on White was a bit tricky. I walked past it on the 1st pass. All recovered
V2021300Z RS41 Praha (CZ) 2025-01-05 05:33:28 401.10 MHz Líšeň (CZ) FOUND Dobik Dobik
2025-01-05 08:48:26z
MEA704733 (304-2-04733) M20 Bordeaux (FR) 2025-01-04 23:15:47 402.80 MHz Bergerac (FR) FOUND F5SOI [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 08:41:06z
muette facile [via SondeHub]
W2810907 RS41 Watnall (GB) 2025-01-05 05:18:38 405.50 MHz Den Helder (NL) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 08:40:12z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W2254452 RS41-SG Innsbruck (AT) 2025-01-04 01:15:09 404.10 MHz Preddvor (SI) FOUND s57ajj s57ajj
2025-01-05 08:28:09z
V gozdu, sonda na tleh.padalo ostalo na buki
W1231247 RS41 Munich (DE) 2025-01-04 22:46:18 402.30 MHz Graz (AT) FOUND OE6PWE OE6PWE
2025-01-05 08:10:08z
Komplettes Gespann geborgen.
V4450542 RS41-SG Paraparaumu (NZ) 2024-12-29 09:39:47 400.50 MHz Upper Hutt (NZ) FOUND DL9FHX & YL DL9FHX
2025-01-05 07:59:26z
Ask a Farmer, get a Shuttle in a Landy, found it on the Hill. Line was cut, NO TRACES OF A PARACHUTE IN THE BALLON! Maybe production problem!
V4810158 RS41 Zagreb (HR) 2025-01-01 23:16:24 405.30 MHz Kozármisleny (HU) FOUND HA8LHT HA8LHT
2025-01-05 07:30:02z
Keményre fagyott szántásban
W0514016 RS41 Lindenberg (DE) 2025-01-04 22:46:05 405.10 MHz Ogrodzieniec (PL) NEED ATTENTION Omega
2025-01-05 06:33:53z
Wisi na drzewie
U2060107 RS41 Graz (AT) 2025-01-05 03:15:28 404.70 MHz Szigetvár (HU) FOUND HA3TA [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 06:08:55z
Mezőn. HA3KE, HANR, HA3TA [via SondeHub]
W1321166 RS41-SG Adelaide (AU) 2025-01-03 11:16:54 401.50 MHz Nairne (AU) FOUND VK5KRX [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 06:01:18z
150m into paddock. [via SondeHub]
W3010712 RS41 2025-01-05 01:30:12 404.80 MHz Midway [FL] (US) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 04:00:30z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W1310719 RS41 2025-01-05 02:12:59 403.00 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 04:00:12z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W1240096 RS41 Greifswald (DE) 2025-01-04 22:46:03 402.30 MHz Gniezno (PL) FOUND KRY50SP,Spotter6
2025-01-05 03:21:24z
Sonda na skraju młodnika balon cały w środku brak spadochronu ciekawostka balon koloru niebieskiego
W1321154 RS41 Adelaide (AU) 2025-01-04 23:16:34 401.50 MHz Murray Bridge (AU) FOUND Kya88 [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:53:53z
Cotton was draped over power line [via SondeHub]
W4374238 RS41 Bucharest (RO) 2025-01-04 23:03:42 403.92 MHz Constanţa (RO) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:53:31z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24053728 (24053728) DFM09 Albany [NY] (US) 2025-01-04 23:28:11 401.01 MHz Franklin [MA] (US) FOUND KA1GXR [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:53:26z
Walk through woods to edge of clearing frim tracks. All of it just cleared trees and on the ground. Milford site nailed it diwn low. [via SondeHub]
D24053569 (24053569) DFM17 Gray [ME] (US) 2025-01-04 23:13:14 403.41 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:51:02z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W3530194 RS41 Son Bonet (ES) 2025-01-04 23:16:07 401.00 MHz San Luis (ES) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:41:44z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24058090 (24058090) DFM Tampa [FL] (US) 2025-01-04 23:12:50 403.01 MHz Vero Beach [FL] (US) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:40:53z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W2010661 RS41 Decimomannu (IT) 2025-01-04 22:48:35 403.50 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:31:59z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
MEB003082 (401-2-03082) M20 Thessaloniki (GR) 2025-01-04 23:19:30 404.20 MHz Mýrina (GR) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:31:25z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W3421429 RS41 Santander (ES) 2025-01-04 23:15:24 402.50 MHz Bermeo (ES) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:25:12z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W2810908 RS41-SG Watnall (GB) 2025-01-04 23:19:57 405.50 MHz Caister-on-Sea (GB) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:24:27z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V3720304 RS41-SGP Barreira do Inferno Launch Center (BR) 2025-01-04 23:32:10 403.00 MHz Natal (BR) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:22:48z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24051135 ([AC]24051135) DFM Charleston [SC] (US) 2025-01-04 23:17:56 0.00 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:21:12z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24050827 (24050827) DFM17 Upton [NY] (US) 2025-01-04 23:05:56 405.41 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:20:55z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24046781 (24046781) DFM17 Springfield [MO] (US) 2025-01-04 23:47:25 400.40 MHz West Plains [MO] (US) LOST KC0GDZ [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:13:52z
[via SondeHub]
MEA703875 (304-2-03875) M20 Nimes (FR) 2025-01-04 23:19:16 405.00 MHz Valbonne (FR) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:13:11z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W2830153 RS41 Camborne (GB) 2025-01-04 23:15:57 405.70 MHz Bridport (GB) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:12:54z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24049316 (24049316) DFM17 Jacksonville [FL] (US) 2025-01-04 23:07:54 403.21 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:10:55z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W3410788 RS41 La Coruna (ES) 2025-01-04 23:16:30 404.00 MHz Luanco (ES) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:04:30z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W3220543 RS41-NG Miami [FL] (US) 2025-01-04 23:11:09 403.40 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:03:20z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V5010774 RS41-SG Sundsvall (SE) 2025-01-04 23:42:09 405.30 MHz Härnösand (SE) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 02:02:12z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
MEB301901 (404-2-01901) M20 Ajaccio (FR) 2025-01-04 23:34:19 403.00 MHz Santa Marinella (IT) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 01:52:15z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W4654111 RS41 Washington [VA] (US) 2025-01-04 23:24:26 403.00 MHz Ocean Pines [MD] (US) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 01:51:39z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W4334411 RS41 Visby (SE) 2025-01-04 23:52:07 405.30 MHz Pāvilosta (LV) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 01:51:22z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W3530332 RS41 Keflavik (IS) 2025-01-04 23:04:03 404.00 MHz Vestmannaeyjar (IS) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 01:51:04z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W2810497 RS41 Albemarle (GB) 2025-01-04 23:17:25 405.10 MHz Whitby (GB) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 01:40:49z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W0120951 RS41 Lindenberg (DE) 2024-12-12 06:06:41 404.50 MHz Lubin (PL) NEED ATTENTION M1435
2025-01-05 01:38:38z
W2244352 RS41 Ekofisk (NO) 2025-01-04 23:31:24 403.00 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 01:30:24z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W4435033 RS41 San Pietro Capofiume (IT) 2025-01-04 23:01:05 404.60 MHz Ancona (IT) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 01:12:15z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
MEB602893 (407-2-02893) M20 Barcelona (ES) 2025-01-04 23:01:56 404.00 MHz Lloret de Mar (ES) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 01:00:13z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W3730490 RS41 Taipei (TW) 2025-01-04 23:14:25 400.30 MHz Keelung (TW) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 00:50:34z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V3310494 RS41 Whenuapai (NZ) 2025-01-04 21:51:15 403.00 MHz Leigh (NZ) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 00:30:23z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W1240923 RS41 Schleswig (DE) 2025-01-04 22:47:12 402.50 MHz Wismar (DE) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-05 00:10:14z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V4450409 RS41 Paraparaumu (NZ) 2025-01-04 21:40:44 400.50 MHz Himatangi Beach (NZ) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 23:50:16z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
U3450797 RS41 Payerne (CH) 2025-01-04 17:01:07 403.50 MHz Arco (IT) FOUND IN3WZS + DJ IN3WZS
2025-01-04 22:29:34z
In cima ad una pianta in un pratone, tutto recuperato.
W3750513 RS41 Oakland [CA] (US) 2025-01-03 23:07:25 404.00 MHz Oakdale [CA] (US) FOUND kb6usj [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 22:09:59z
Found Sonde had drifted away from the trees about 2/10 of a mile. Conditions were not to muddy to hike for recovery [via SondeHub]
W0220362 RS41-SG Melbourne (AU) 2025-01-04 11:21:30 401.50 MHz Bunyip (AU) FOUND Rob [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 21:57:16z
Picked this one early this morning. [via SondeHub]
W2440057 RS41 White Lake [MI] (US) 2024-11-01 23:06:14 404.00 MHz Port Huron [MI] (US) FOUND WindTurbine73 [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 21:47:17z
Exact location was obtained at time of landing by WindGypsy. Went today and ground was frozen. Made for an easy recovery. [via SondeHub]
W0210307 RS41 Sydney (AU) 2025-01-04 19:18:15 401.50 MHz Bay View (AU) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 21:40:11z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W3421358 RS41 Madrid (ES) 2025-01-04 11:17:21 403.00 MHz Cuenca (ES) FOUND CarlosBet [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 20:50:37z
Excursión al nacimiento del río Tajo y de paso recuperación de sonda. Globo casi completo. Todo recuperado. Monte limpio. [via SondeHub]
W3131044 RS41 2024-12-27 05:54:54 404.50 MHz Dover [DE] (US) FOUND Shemp [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 20:05:25z
Sonde in a little bit damaged condition, landed across their track. When they dragged their track, sonde must have gotten dragged with it. They [via SondeHub]
W2810498 RS41 Albemarle (GB) 2025-01-04 17:18:09 405.10 MHz Filey (GB) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 19:50:13z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V3721029 RS41 Jokioinen (FI) 2024-10-29 05:32:05 403.00 MHz Tapa (EE) FOUND ES1ETOM ES1ETOM
2025-01-04 19:25:01z
W2810870 RS41 Watnall (GB) 2025-01-04 17:17:39 405.50 MHz Thorpe Saint Andrew (GB) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 19:10:32z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24053725 (24053725) DFM09 Santa Teresa [NM] (US) 2025-01-03 11:10:54 401.41 MHz Socorro [TX] (US) FOUND KB9UZA [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 18:59:15z
In lot of sand trails [via SondeHub]
D21068950 (21068950) DFM Meppen (DE) 2024-11-11 07:48:58 403.05 MHz Vechta (DE) FOUND BIOWL1,
2025-01-04 18:14:24z
Pulled out of tree top, chute not found.
V2420601 RS41 Essen (DE) 2024-06-20 22:45:36 405.30 MHz Vechta (DE) FOUND BIOWL1,
2025-01-04 18:11:57z
Found on forest floor, chute remains in tree.
D21052510 (21052510) DFM Meppen (DE) 2022-07-26 03:45:55 403.05 MHz Vechta (DE) FOUND BIOWL1,
2025-01-04 18:08:10z
Pulled out of the treetop of a birch after years of hanging in.
D24053376 (24053376) DFM17 Crested Butte [CO] (US) 2025-01-04 12:49:29 404.41 MHz Glenwood Springs [CO] (US) LOST n0nhj [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 18:08:05z
Unable to locate, no signal heard. No cell service in the area so wasn't able to show chase. [via SondeHub]
V1620759 RS41 De Bilt (NL) 2024-01-21 00:01:04 403.90 MHz Vechta (DE) FOUND BIOWL1,
2025-01-04 18:04:40z
Forest worker attached it to a tree after probably cutting its tree hanging in. Chute not found.
D24043497 (24043497) DFM17 Chanhassen [MN] (US) 2024-12-29 11:09:03 403.61 MHz Stillwater [MN] (US) FOUND CcSkyEye [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 18:04:35z
[via SondeHub]
T1510439 RS41 Meppen (DE) 2022-04-12 04:02:21 404.50 MHz Espelkamp (DE) FOUND BIOWL1,
2025-01-04 18:01:36z
Pulled out of tree after 2,75 yrs of hanging. Chute not found.
W2420921 RS41 De Bilt (NL) 2024-12-21 23:45:49 403.90 MHz Melle (DE) LOST BIOWL1
2025-01-04 17:59:02z
Nur etwas Latexrest auf dem Waldboden. Sonst nichts zu finden.
W0530532 RS41 Lindenberg (DE) 2025-01-04 04:45:43 405.10 MHz Namysłów (PL) FOUND KCZ SP6V
2025-01-04 17:47:01z
Spadła na zamarznięte pole!
MEB302784 (404-2-02784) M20 Wrocław (PL) 2025-01-04 11:16:26 403.00 MHz Frampol (PL) FOUND SQ8MHL SQ8MHL
2025-01-04 17:37:47z
Nad rzeczką. 11m SW od predykcji.
W1220048 RS41 Jokioinen (FI) 2025-01-04 11:32:19 403.00 MHz Lappträsk (FI) FOUND TSI [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 17:21:09z
Arrived well in time to predicted landing spot, but no signal. Finally spotted sonde 2m from road. Bottom end (where power switch is located) of [via SondeHub]
U3320531 RS41 Payerne (CH) 2025-01-04 11:00:45 403.50 MHz Lavis (IT) FOUND IN3WZS + DJ IN3WZS
2025-01-04 16:44:07z
In una vigna in val di Cembra, recupero facile
D24043399 (24043399) DFM17 Chanhassen [MN] (US) 2025-01-04 11:03:40 403.61 MHz Monroe [WI] (US) FOUND WA9ETW [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 16:39:33z
Long legs for this morning's MSP sonde. Easy recovery in tall corn stubble. #1 for 2025. [via SondeHub]
W1230317 RS41 Greifswald (DE) 2025-01-04 10:46:28 402.30 MHz Kowalewo Pomorskie (PL) FOUND SN2DP SN2DP
2025-01-04 16:32:07z
Leżała na polu.
W3750550 RS41-SG Oakland [CA] (US) 2025-01-04 11:06:52 404.00 MHz Gilroy [CA] (US) FOUND K6ATV K6ATV
2025-01-04 16:24:09z
Located in farm field, muddy, wet and foggy, but still fun
U3410200 RS41 Bergen (DE) 2025-01-04 11:00:51 405.70 MHz Gubin (PL) FOUND Ralf1984
2025-01-04 15:52:59z
Sprzątnięta. Pozdrawiam Henryka;-)
W1150866 RS41 Jokioinen (FI) 2025-01-03 23:32:00 403.00 MHz Järvenpää (FI) FOUND KORSO-RECOVERY [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 15:50:09z
Helppo! Sondi oli ihan tien vieressä ja lumessa ollut pitkä liukujälki paljasti sondin lumen keskeltä. [via SondeHub]
W1456711 RS41 Abu Dhabi (AE) 2025-01-04 11:37:32 401.70 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 15:40:12z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24053680 (24053680) DFM09 Albany [NY] (US) 2025-01-04 11:21:17 401.01 MHz Franklin [MA] (US) LOST KB1WMH [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 15:39:45z
[via SondeHub]
W0444683 RS41 Washington [VA] (US) 2024-12-28 23:28:51 403.00 MHz Easton [MD] (US) FOUND Shemp [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 15:37:59z
Landed in field close to dirt road. Got permission from farmer to recover. [via SondeHub]
ME3522387 (305-2-10903) M10 Murcia (ES) 2025-01-04 11:28:26 404.40 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 15:30:12z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W3530198 RS41 Son Bonet (ES) 2025-01-04 11:15:42 401.00 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 15:20:31z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V3330901 RS41 Idar-Oberstein (DE) 2025-01-04 10:46:04 402.70 MHz Straubing (DE) FOUND LiuGong LiuGong
2025-01-04 15:15:16z
Punktlandung auf der Wiese; Sonde, Schirm und großer Ballonrest
W3420585 RS41 La Coruna (ES) 2025-01-04 11:17:00 404.00 MHz Ribadesella (ES) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 15:11:43z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V4640194 RS41 Cameri (IT) 2025-01-04 11:01:43 404.90 MHz Comacchio (IT) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 15:11:24z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24058212 (24058212) DFM Tampa [FL] (US) 2025-01-04 11:22:27 403.01 MHz Vero Beach [FL] (US) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 15:10:48z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V2840435 RS41 Udine (IT) 2024-11-29 11:07:13 404.00 MHz Labin (HR) FOUND Novica & Marija
& S56CIM &
2025-01-04 15:06:46z
BIG THANKS to 9A6FEJ and team for collecting leftovers from nature. SHAME on "YOU" who took only sonde and NOT report
V0941051 RS41 Comodoro Rivadavia (AR) 2025-01-04 11:40:58 404.97 MHz Comodoro Rivadavia (AR) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 15:02:30z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24053735 (24053735) DFM17 Gray [ME] (US) 2025-01-04 11:28:35 403.41 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 15:02:12z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24050948 (24050948) DFM17 Upton [NY] (US) 2025-01-04 11:17:41 405.41 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 15:01:15z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V1920147 RS41 Prostějov (CZ) 2025-01-04 11:17:41 402.10 MHz Levoča (SK) FOUND SKYMAX
2025-01-04 14:55:22z
MEA703871 (304-2-03871) M20 Nimes (FR) 2025-01-04 11:19:38 405.00 MHz Sainte-Maxime (FR) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 14:50:23z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
U4564170 RS41 Cahersiveen (IE) 2025-01-04 11:40:30 405.30 MHz Wexford (IE) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 14:43:30z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24050798 ([AC]24050798) DFM Charleston [SC] (US) 2025-01-04 11:17:48 0.00 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 14:30:43z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V0450611 RS41 Meiningen (DE) 2025-01-04 10:47:06 402.30 MHz Stříbro (CZ) FOUND Bready44 [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 14:27:44z
On the field. Baloon is complete without major damage. [via SondeHub]
V4720474 RS41 Camborne (GB) 2025-01-04 11:15:42 405.70 MHz Fécamp (FR) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 14:25:40z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
MEB301903 (404-2-01903) M20 Ajaccio (FR) 2025-01-04 11:32:48 403.00 MHz Anzio (IT) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 14:25:21z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W2220386 RS41 Ekofisk (NO) 2025-01-04 12:16:55 403.00 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 14:24:08z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W0444633 RS41 Washington [VA] (US) 2024-12-30 23:20:06 403.00 MHz Easton [MD] (US) FOUND Shemp [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 14:16:46z
Landed in field, next to houses. Farmer gave us permission to get it. Easy recovery. [via SondeHub]
W3540953 RS41 Keflavik (IS) 2025-01-04 11:04:04 404.00 MHz Vestmannaeyjar (IS) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 14:14:52z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V5010122 RS41-SG Sundsvall (SE) 2025-01-04 11:43:25 405.30 MHz Härnösand (SE) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 14:13:39z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
D24050737 (24050737) DFM Jacksonville [FL] (US) 2025-01-04 11:18:11 403.21 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 14:11:30z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W4334656 RS41 Visby (SE) 2025-01-04 11:58:30 405.30 MHz Pāvilosta (LV) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 14:02:48z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W3020709 RS41 Miami [FL] (US) 2025-01-04 11:14:25 403.40 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 14:02:30z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V4551017 RS41 Zagreb (HR) 2025-01-03 23:18:13 405.30 MHz Drenje (HR) FOUND 9a2mk 9a2mk
2025-01-04 14:01:07z
found 4.1.2025. 11:00
W2010662 RS41 Decimomannu (IT) 2025-01-04 10:52:16 403.50 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 13:52:45z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
V3750808 RS41 Essen (DE) 2024-09-11 10:45:49 405.30 MHz Burgdorf (DE) FOUND Brandole brandole
2025-01-04 13:52:27z
Nach 120 Tagen,lag sie unterm Baum ( der Sturm hat sie runtergeschüttelt !)
V3050327 RS41-SGP Stavanger (NO) 2025-01-04 11:10:19 402.00 MHz Hirtshals (DK) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 13:41:09z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W1430803 RS41 Vandenberg Air Force Base [CA] (US) 2025-01-04 12:07:25 400.25 MHz Isla Vista [CA] (US) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 13:40:32z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W4365052 RS41 Bucharest (RO) 2025-01-04 11:03:53 403.92 MHz Năvodari (RO) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 13:31:28z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
MEB602889 (407-2-02889) M20 Barcelona (ES) 2025-01-04 11:01:43 404.00 MHz LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 13:20:13z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W4444430 RS41 San Pietro Capofiume (IT) 2025-01-04 11:01:06 404.60 MHz Senigallia (IT) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 13:10:52z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W3730442 RS41 Taipei (TW) 2025-01-04 11:15:58 400.30 MHz Keelung (TW) LOST [BOT]AUTO-STATUS
2025-01-04 13:10:12z
AUTO STATUS: Probably lost in the water
W0140300 RS41 Legionowo (PL) 2025-01-02 23:19:10 404.50 MHz Kleszczele (PL) FOUND sp4olh sp4olh.
2025-01-04 13:05:09z
legionowski sputnik sprzatniety / sprawny
V3330819 RS41 Idar-Oberstein (DE) 2025-01-02 22:46:50 402.70 MHz Schwandorf (DE) FOUND DL5RCB DL5RCB
2025-01-04 12:56:56z
Sonde und Schirm mit viel Ballon auf Waldboden.
T5110168 RS41 Prostějov (CZ) 2024-05-19 11:18:51 402.10 MHz Studénka (CZ) FOUND Ztdk@D Ztdk
2025-01-04 12:50:43z
found / znaleziona / nalezeno
V1720234 RS41 Prostějov (CZ) 2024-12-08 23:17:49 402.10 MHz Fulnek (CZ) FOUND Ztdk@D Ztdk
2025-01-04 12:44:55z
found / znaleziona / nalezeno